Lawn Maintenance

Grass Cutting: We maintain zoysia (Myers, pallisade and others), bermuda and fescue along with other grasses the Mid-south environment will allow. We customize your cut to fit your requests and you believe to be the best fit for your property. Most major companies only know how to cut low. Most companies train their employees to cut one or two ways, often never taking into account the exposure to sun, soil, terrain and type of grass. This creates problems for some in the summer when the heat gets to stress the grass and it dies. Often we don’t have enough rain to support some grasses with certain cuts. This element along with other factors are all considered in how we maintain your specific lawn. Please see our custom cuts in the gallery. We pride ourselves on edging as well, it separates us from the competition. The edging is like a signature for most any lawn, we make sure it is a precision cut.

Lawn TreatmentLawn Treatment: Yes, we provide the same serices as ChemLawn or TruGreen at a lower price with better results. How? We dont employ people to work in the winter so we dont have to charge higher prices to get people through the slower months, plus we have a small crew of dedicated workers who dont leave the company every year. We provide full care for your property, this also allows us to keep prices down. There are other reasons, but the point is that we can not only cut but make your lawn greener, thicker, and have an overall healthier look. Please let us know what we can do to assist you is making your lawn the best in Memphis.